Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Welcome to Serpent Flame Encampment
Our Camp is now reestablishing itself among the area of Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, MI. If it be your Will, we invite you to participate in our Mysteries and hear the Word of the Law:
We will let Grand Master Baphomet explain the Work of the Order:
…I begin by showing the object of the pure soul, “One, individual, and eternal,” in determining to formulate itself consciously, or, as I may say, to understand itself.
It chooses to enter into relations with the solar system. It incarnates. I explain the significance of birth and the conditions established by the process. I next show how it may best carry out its object in the eucharist of life. It partakes, so to speak, of its own godhead in every action, but especially through the typical sacrament of marriage, understood as the voluntary union with itself with each element of its environment. I then proceed to the climax of its career in death and show how this sacrament both consecrates (or, rather, sets its seal upon) the previous procedure and gives a meaning thereto, just as the auditing of an account enables the merchant to see his year’s transactions in perspective.
In the next ceremony, I show how the individual, released by death from the obsession of personality, resumes relations with the truth of the universe. Reality bursts upon him in a blaze of adorable light; he is able to appreciate its splendor as he could not previously do, since his incarnation has enabled him to establish particular relations between the elements of eternity.
Finally, the cycle is closed by the reabsorption of all individuality into infinity. It ends in absolute annihilation which […] may in reality be regarded as an exact equivalent for all other terms soever, or (by postulating the category of time) as forming the starting point for new adventure of the same kind.
From “What is Freemasonry?” in Confessions (EQ III:10)
SFE holds monthly Meet-Ups, with Classes scheduled over the next few months as well. Join our Facebook Group for further details and updates on those events.
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or write to:
Serpent Flame Encampment
P.O. BOX 141
Three Rivers, MI 49093
Beautiful art thou, O Babylon, and desirable, for thou hast given thyself to everything that liveth, and thy weakness hath subdued their strength. For in that union thou didst understand. Therefore art thou called Understanding, O Babylon, Lady of the Night!
This is that which is written, "O my God, in one last rapture let me attain to the union with the many." For she is Love, and her love is one, and she hath divided the one love into infinite loves, and each love is one, and equal to The One, and therefore is she passed "from the assembly and the law and the enlightenment unto the anarchy of solitude and darkness. For ever thus must she veil the brilliance of Her Self."
O Babylon, Babylon, thou mighty Mother, that ridest upon the crowned beast, let me be drunken upon the wine of thy fornications; let thy kisses wanton me unto death, that even I, thy cup-bearer, may understand.
from “The Cry of the 12th Aethyr, Which is Called LOE”
The Vision & the Voice